Check Out The Big Sky Documentary Film Festival!
It's finally here! After months and months of planning and hard work the Big Sky Documentary Film Festival is back! Starting Friday, February 17th and going until the 26th, you can catch some of the best documentaries in the country!
And if past festivals are any indication as to how this one will turn out, we are in for a good time! The only difference being the last minute change of venue.
My lovely friend Sarah Briggs, who works for the Montana film festival, had a real scare a couple weeks ago when one of their venues literally fell apart! In case you didn't hear... The Silver is no longer a 'thing.'
So all films that were going to be shown at The Silver have moved to the following locations -
The Big Sky Doc. Fest. is by far one of the coolest events that take place in Montana!
Check out the REVISED schedule at www.bigskyfilmfest.org!
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