Holiday Hilarity: Montana Towns as Christmas Movie Characters
'Tis the season for Christmas movies, and there are so many to choose from. I cycle through a few favorites each year, never watching the same movie two Christmases in a row, as a way of maintaining the boyish excitement each time I watch. Though each Christmas movie is unique, there are some qualities all Christmas moves share. They're colorful, they have heartwarming messages and great characters.
Watching this year, I couldn't help but notice some of the characters seem to resemble different towns in Montana. Here's a few Montana cities and what Christmas-movie character I think they are:
Billings - Santa
For the biggest city in Montana, I choose the big guy himself. But don't get too proud, Billings— I was so close to choosing Billie Bob Thornton's character from Bad Santa for you instead.
Hamilton - Clark Griswold from National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
Hamilton is the sweetest Montana city, trying to keep the holidays together as the rest of us dump our sewage into the gutter.

Missoula - Rudolph
Missoula is the weirdest city in Montana and Rudolph is the king of the misfits, aka Missoulafits.
Bozeman - Frosty The Snowman
Because next time they face the Griz in football, the Bobcats are gonna melt.
Helena - The Nutcracker
You know, because politics is so nutty.
White Fish - Scrooge
Not the mean ol' Scrooge from the beginning of the story, the nice Scrooge at the end. So if you're from White Fish reading this, consider doing an act of generosity in the form of giving me $20.
Butte - John McClane from Die Hard
If there's one Montana city that says "action hero" for me, it's definitely Butte. And I couldn't choose a character for Butte that doesn't know how to use a gun.
Great Falls - Krampus
Because I'd rather Krampus put me in a sack and drag me to his lair than spend 5 minutes in Great Falls.
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