Missoula Student Helps Create Free Online Tutoring Service
Online classes have been tough on a lot of students - it's more difficult to focus and ensure you're paying attention when you've got to learn through a computer at home instead of at your desk in a classroom, with easier access to your teachers and other students. And for kids who were already struggling, or who don't have the kind of academic support they need at home, they could find their grades slipping.
That's why Missoula student Cassidy Bateman, a senior at Big Sky High School, has worked with high school students across the US to create the Tutoring and Advising Project, a free online program which matches students with tutors from all over the country. Cassidy was profiled in The Missoulian talking about it, and described how it works and how students can connect with online services like Zoom, Google Hangout, and Facetime.
About 25 tutors are available through the program and all a student needs to do to use it is fill out a form at their website or email them at tutoringadvisingprogram@gmail.com.
This is an awesome service and it's so cool to see a Missoula student taking action like this to help her fellow teenagers. Even though the virus has caused a lot of problems, it's heartening to see ways in which the community has come together.
READ MORE: Here are 10 ways to help others who are struggling right now
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