If you're looking for a place to go to celebrate the start of fishing season, here's something for you. Kettlehouse Brewing is throwing a big kickoff party next weekend, on Saturday, April 20th.

Here's everything you need to know for their Facebook event page:

"Join us at the Southside for a Spring Fishing Season Kickoff Party with Missoulian Angler, Douglas Outdoors, Rising and Fish Montana.

Douglas Outdoors (Fly Rods) will be giving Casting Clinics on their Spring 2019 Line of Fly Rods.
The Missoulian Angler Fly Shop, Rising and Douglas Outdoors will be hosting the "Double Haul IPA" accuracy casting competition for a chance to win a 2019 Douglas Outdoors Fly Rod!
Raffle and Prices include:
-1/2 Day Fishing Trip
-Douglas Fly Rod
-Missoulian Angler Merchandise
-KettleHouse Merchandise
Food Donations by Fish Montana. (100% of proceeds generated through suggested donations go to directly to Fish Montana to take Veterans fishing)."

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