New Study Names Missoula One of America’s Happiest Cities
A few days ago, we reported that Montana had been ranked the fourth-happiest state in the entire US. Pretty cool, right? Well now, Wallet Hub has broken that down even further, and conducted a study to figure out the happiest cities in the entire country.
So, the question on everyone's mind: where does Missoula rank on the list? Well, we did pretty good! On a list of 182 cities, we came in at number 56. That's in the top third! The only other city from Montana on the list is Billings at number 38. The list measures such factors as "Emotional and Physical Well-Being," "Income and Employment," and "Community and Environment."
So what's the happiest city in the country? Well that would be Plano, Texas, while Irvine, California and Madison, Wisconsion follow it. And in last place? Detroit, Michigan.
Do you agree with Missoula's placement on the list?
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