Some artists dream of having their work hang up in the Louvre. Others dream of winning the Pabst Blue Ribbon Can Art contest. Honestly, the PBR contest is probably the cooler one - you know for a fact your art is going to be seen by more people that way.

This year is the 10th anniversary of the Can Art Contest, which is where thousands of artists every year submit their original designs to Pabst Blue Ribbon, and one winner will have their work printed on 30 million cans of PBR across the US (plus a nice $10,000 prize to go along with it, too).

Over 4000 entries were submitted this year, and the contest has been whittled down to just 25 finalists. And one of those finalists is actually an artist from Missoula!

Pretty awesome, right? Missoula artist Emma Covill is one of the finalists whose work is currently being displayed on Pabst Blue Ribbon's website, and you can vote for her design to win. You're supposed to vote for your five favorites, but there's also nothing stopping you from just voting for Emma's design five times, if that's what you want to do.

So you can check out PBR's website and cast your votes right here! Voting ends on February 17th, and they'll announce the winner just two days later on February 19th. Whoever wins will have their work displayed on PBR cans across the country this fall.

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