Your Boyfriend is Ignoring You, But You Are Not Alone
Researchers in England recently revealed that both men AND women really DO tune out certain things that are said that apparently their subconscious does not find relevant.
Ever try to strike up a conversation with your man but he seems to be tuning you out? First, CONGRATULATIONS for not being the only one to witness this. Second, there is a reason for it.
In the study, researchers chose the most stereo-typically "male" words like "beer" and "football" . . . and stereo typically "female" words like "chocolate" and "shopping."
Following that, they had men and women listen in on a conversation, and report back on the things they heard.
Men were often able to recall the moments that featured the manly words and not remember the other parts . . . women were more likely to remember the parts with female words and forget the rest.
(Here's a hint ladies, if you want your husband to do the dishes, you have to say, "Beer, football, rock climbing, biceps, Hummer H2, testicles, please do the dishes, okay?")