World Refugee Day Cup Soccer Tournament in Missoula
Here's something great going on in town - in honor of World Refugee Day, Soft Landing Missoula is gearing up for their third annual World Refugee Day Cup! It's a big soccer tournament made up of teams of 7 that's gonna be held on June 16th.
Here's some of the details, which you can also find over at Soft Landing Missoula's website:
What is World Refugee Day?
World Refugee Day is celebrated every year on June 20th. This event honors the courage, strength and determination of women, men and children who are forced to flee their homeland under threat of persecution, conflict and violence. The Missoula community has stepped up to welcome more than 75 families and has made Missoula a welcoming place where refugees can integrate and thrive. Soft Landing Missoula is excited to celebrate the addition of these families to our community with a soccer tournament and community party.
How does Soft Landing Missoula honor World Refugee Day?
Through the Third Annual World Refugee Day Cup, of course! This year's Soccer Tournament will be held on Sunday, June 16, 2019 at the Parks and Recreation soccer fields at Fort Missoula. A round-robin set up of 7 v. 7 teams will guarantee that each team plays at least 3 games. The World Cup Match of the final two teams will be held in the late afternoon, followed immediately by the community celebration. There will be food, drinks, activities and music into the evening.
You can get registered and check out the full schedule at the site. Will you be checking this out?