The Spring temperatures will soon be here and will get everyone outside and enjoying the sunshine. What better way to enjoy the great outdoors than to lace up your hiking boots and go for a hike? Of course, every hike needs a destination. Someplace you have never been before. Or just someplace interesting. How about someplace that is rumored to be haunted?

The website put together a list of haunted hiking trails here in Montana. Places that have had multiple reports of strange things happening. Trails that will have the hair on the back of your neck stand up.

Some of those trails include places nearby Missoula.

For example:

Frenchman's Road near MacDonald Pass

According to

This road was once managed by a Frenchman named Constant Guyot, who was apparently abusive when he drank. On one sad August day in 1868, passive travelers discovered his wife, Madame Guyot, in a pool of blood and nearly decapitated from a bullet to her skull. Constant was a suspect, of course, but the case was never solved.

Reports say that the ghost of Madame Guyot walks along the trail as well as reports of a ghostly hitchhiker.

TOP 5 Most Haunted Places in Montana


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