What a title, right? First off, I admire your bravery that you visited this page, you must be really confident in your browser's incognito mode. If it makes you feel better, I'm certain you have no intention of committing any vile, unholy deeds— well, fairly certain. Chances are you never wanted to know the answer to that question before you saw it get asked, and for the sake of my sanity, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. With that said, I'll answer it to the best of my ability:

While there is a law that prohibits touching a corpse without an order from the coroner or state medical examiner, I was not able to find the word "necrophilia" in any of Montana's laws, but that doesn't mean you won't get in legal trouble if you do the deed with the dead. Montana's not the only state with that kind of legal setup.

The Massachusetts government's official website has a page with a clarification. "neither Massachusetts nor federal law explicitly says you can't have sex with a dead body, but Massachusetts courts have ruled regarding rape charges in connection with sex with a dead body." I assume the state of Montana would take a similar approach, but (thank goodness) I wasn't able to find a record of any time necrophilia has happened here. 

So should the legislature draft a new law to explicitly ban necrophilia? That would be a solution to a problem that doesn't seem to exist, but that doesn't mean I hate the idea. All I know is, I'm erasing all my history after researching for this article. Better yet, I'm gonna toss my hard drive into a volcano.

Montana Laws

Montana laws on the books, that are... interesting.

"Interesting" Montana laws - Part Two

Another look at some interesting laws on the books here in Montana.


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