MSO Freestyle Team To Show New Snowboarding Film At Ogren Park
Alright, so summer was kind of a buzzkill. Winter's got to be better, right?
I know for a lot of outdoor sports enthusiasts, that's definitely the hope. Lots of people in Missoula have been cooped up inside for months, and they're ready to get back on the mountain to do some skiing, snowboarding, and more.
One place that has been able to do events this summer is Ogren Park, and they'll be continuing that into at least part of the fall before it starts to get too cold. So, Teton Gravity Research and Missoula Freestyle Team are using the park to show their new snowboarding film, Make Believe, on Friday, October 9th.
It's gonna work like Centerfield Cinema has all summer long at the park - the movie will screen on the scoreboard, with people sitting in socially-distanced squares on the field. Here's some info from their Facebook event page: