Fall doesn't always last very long around here but whatever time Montana gets, it's usually stunning and packed with colors rarely seen in nature. The Bozeman area wasted no time...when the calendar said "Fall", the area responded.

We didn't have to look far for some great pictures of Fall foliage. In fact, we'll probably put together another one soon. (But we all know you can't wait too long around here. Fall can end up lasting just a couple of weeks...then BAM! Winter and all the leaves are gone.)

Photo: Michelle Wolfe
Photo: Michelle Wolfe

If we're lucky, we still have another month (October) to catch some fiery colors. Most Montana tourism websites recommend visiting one of the National Parks for the best Fall foliage change. Although true, I've never found that to be necessary.

Photo: Michelle Wolfe
Photo: Michelle Wolfe

Most people I know in the Bozeman area didn't get very large harvests of apples this year. Perhaps it was due to that late frost that hit the area this past Spring. No matter, the apples we DID get turned out perfectly. Not only gorgeous but absolutely delicious.

Photo: Michelle Wolfe
Photo: Michelle Wolfe

Some Fall pictures don't need much explanation, such as this one. It's one of the most commons trees in southwest Montana and never fails to turn a stunning shade of bright yellow.

Photo: Michelle Wolfe
Photo: Michelle Wolfe

This picture is almost cheating since it's a decorative pot, but when folks plan ahead for the Fall season, their outdoor baskets and barrels can last well into October. Having decent color outside that last in the season is a real treat.

Photo: Michelle Wolfe
Photo: Michelle Wolfe

Just about every street in Montana has some sort of berry-producing tree (edible or not). As messy as they make the streets, (and as drunk as they make the birds), those fruit make for some excellent Fall color.

Photo: Michelle Wolfe
Photo: Michelle Wolfe

I think my favorite color schemes are those that have three or four bushes right next to each other, with varying shades of Fall colors.

Photo: Michelle Wolfe
Photo: Michelle Wolfe

I cheated on this one. My neighbor spends a ridiculous amount of time and thought about what she plants in her rock ledge on the side of her driveway. It's BEAUTIFUL just about all year long, but Mother Nature didn't get to pick what kind went where. That was all my neighbor :-)

Photo: MIchelle Wolfe
Photo: MIchelle Wolfe

Even an ordinary residential street can turn into a fantastic display of Fall color. I've always appreciated people who put some thought into their tree selection.

Photo: Michelle Wolfe
Photo: Michelle Wolfe

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From grazing Tibetan antelope to migrating monarch butterflies, these 50 photos of wildlife around the world capture the staggering grace of the animal kingdom. The forthcoming gallery runs sequentially from air to land to water, and focuses on birds, land mammals, aquatic life, and insects as they work in pairs or groups, or sometimes all on their own.

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