Where Does Montana Fall On A List of the Most Beautiful States?
Let me paint you a picture of the path I took to write this article: I'm scrolling through the internet in my studio, occasionally glancing out the window to admire Montana's natural beauty. It happens to be a clear, sunny day, and you can see snow-topped mountains right from where I'm sitting. Doesn't get much more scenic than that!
And then I head to Thrillist and I see an article called, "All 50 States, Ranked By Their Beauty." And I think to myself - ah yes! Surely Montana has got to be number one!
So I click through and scroll all the way down to the bottom to confirm what I know must be true... only I was wrong! They didn't rank Montana as number one, that honor went to California. So now I'm thinking that we must be number two or three - but we're not!
So where did Montana end up ranking on this list?
Montana Ranked Number 11 on This List of the Most Beautiful States
Number 11? We didn't even crack the top 10?!
I gotta say, I'm pretty surprised by this - I can see a case being made for a few of these states, like Hawaii and Alaska. But if you want epic scenery, Montana is the place to be.
They also seem weirdly dismissive of Montana in the article, calling it a "brunch-menu version of Alaska."
But hey, maybe it's for the best - put some of the heat on other states so less people come in and spoil Montana for the rest of us.
Where do you think Montana should have ranked on this list?
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