Missoula authorities are attempting to identify the individual seen in the following picture as a suspect in a Missoula theft case from September 3, 2013.

Stolen bike and suspect
Photo courtesy of Missoula County Sheriff's Department

According to Missoula County Sheriff's Office Public Information Officer Paige Pavalone, the photo came from a local pawn shop after an individual attempted to sell the mountain bikes.

"One of our detectives was given information about a kid that was trying to pawn some mountain bikes that were stolen from Hawthorne Elementary School at about two to three local Missoula pawn shops," Pavalone said. "He got turned down at all three places, but we are still trying to figure out who this guy is."

So far, the suspect has been given no name, and only one grainy picture exists. Anyone with information about the stolen bikes, or the suspect pictured above, are advised to call Five Valley Crime Stoppers at (406) 721-4444.

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