The 24th annual Bike Walk Bus Week takes off tomorrow and continues throughout the week as Missoula in Motion hosts different events each day until next Saturday.
I've parked our families gas guzzling Nissan X-Terra in the garage, trading it for a Raleigh mountain bike about 6 months ago. And I'm never going back to my old ways of commuting ever again.
I pedal past the local Conoco and Town Pump and scoff at the $3.60 a gallon gas prices, shaking my head while attempting to avoid breathing in toxic exhaust from large truck tailpipes along the congested road
Missoula authorities are attempting to identify the individual seen in the following picture as a suspect in a Missoula theft case from September 3, 2013.
On Wednesday a Missoula Police Detective was honored for ending a vehicle chase and taking an armed man into custody.
The chase was unorthodox in that Detective Scott King and the suspect were both on bicycles. It started when Detectives King and Chris Shermer heard a disturbance call over their radio on their way to a meeting.
We’ve officially survived a long, wet winter. Congratulations! And though we in Montana know that the weather can turn on a dime and there are no guarantees the sun will shine (this month), we surely are grateful when we feel the warmth of a changing season on the backs of our necks. In fact, an accurate description of the seasons in Montana can be summed up in a recent contribution to Make It Mis