Make-A-Wish Montana Hosts First Annual Walk For Wishes
The wonderful people at Make-A-Wish Montana are hosting the first ever Walk For Wishes this Friday, June 15th in Missoula. The event will be held at Fort Missoula Regional Park from 6pm-9pm and the whole community is encouraged to attend.
With this being the first event of this kind they seem to really have a great event set including our good friend Heidi Meili from NBC Montana hosting the festivities. There will be live music from Will Goodrich and Shane Clouse, and will also feature a special Wish surprise.
Make-A-Wish Montana's mission is, "Together we create life changing wishes for children with critical illinesses." The funds raised through this event will go toward granting the wish of every eligible child within the state.
If you have any questions about the event or want to know more you're encouraged to check out more details by clicking here. Hopefully you can make some time Friday night to support this amazing cause and really fun first annuall event in Missoula.
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