Start knitting those baby booties -- Halle Berry and and fiance Oliver Martinez are expecting.

TMZ reports sources close to Berry say she's three months months along with her second baby (her first with Martinez) and that the couple already knows it's a boy.

Perhaps her delicate state is what made her go all Mama Bear around a swarm of paparazzi recently. Or maybe she was just setting an example -- if her daughter, 5-year-old Nahla, is going to be a good big sis, she'll need to know how to fend off the photogs.

And in case you're all, "hold on, isn't Halle a little, uh, 'mature' to be birthin' babies?" Depends how you define such things. She's 46, which by Hollywood standards makes her old enough to play someone's great-grandmother -- but there have certainly been much older women who've given birth.

And hey, at least she'll be able to take this one to France whenever she wants.

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