Going into this weekend I expected to bowl a lot of games at Westside Lanes in Missoula and that is exactly what I did. It started Friday as I am in their league with my wife and some friends. But for the first time ever Savannah convinced me to join her in signing up for the Mixed Doubles Calcutta Tournament.

The tournament began with the first shift on Saturday at noon which was when we signed up to try and qualify. We bowled good but definitely not great, being on the bubble on if we would be one of the 32 teams that qualified for day two of the tournament. After 8:00p.m. Saturday night we got the text from some friends saying we made the cut so we were again bowling at 9:30am Sunday.

Photo courtesy of Billy Jenkins
Photo courtesy of Billy Jenkins

I was so excited to even make the cut for day two, but now you could start winning some big money so the pressure was on. It was a double elimination tournament for the second day, which was good because Savannah and I didn't bowl well our first game a took a loss. The second game was so close it came down to a roll off, which we won! And in the third game we again lost to a team that bowled very well. In the end Savannah and I took 17th place and won the amount we paid to enter the tournament, so basically a free weekend of bowling!

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