Is It Better To Build Or Buy Your Home in Montana?
I think the real question is, how deep are your pockets?
Real estate in Montana has been cooling off lately, but prices are still sky-high. Whether you are looking for a house, condo, townhouse, or other, Montana has something to offer everyone. If you want a decent-sized yard, that is a different question.
If you want to build a house in Montana, you will first need to find a parcel of land that won't cost an absurd amount of money. That might be rough in the Gallatin Valley.
So which solution is better?
According to Go Banking Rates, Montana is the 8th best state to build a house rather than buy one when it comes to price. This makes a lot of sense in Montana's smaller communities.
If you think about this situation, if you want to build a home in Montana's more rural areas, you can get a decent-sized piece of land for a low price. Then you can construct a large house to fit a massive family or something simple that doesn't need all the bells and whistles.
The only downside is if you have a job where you can't work remotely and need to go into an office every day, a prebuilt or existing house would make sense. That means you will have to either change that house to your liking or enjoy it as it is. Depending on which Montana city or town you are searching for a home, you could be paying a premium to live in that area.
So it all comes down to what you want to do. Build a house that could take a few years but is what you will love, or buy a house and not worry.
It all depends on you.