In case you haven't noticed by now, Montana is a really big state. When I drove here from New York last year, I got to the border and I was like, "Oh cool, I must be near Missoula now." NOPE, eight more hours, dummy!

One of the cool things about Montana though is there is a lot of cool scenery to look at while you're driving - the mountains, the sweeping plains, the beautiful skyline, it's pretty awesome. Thrillist put together this list of the most scenic drives in every single state in the US, so I was curious, where did they pick for Montana?

Actually, they picked a drive I haven't been to yet, but since Yellowstone is on my list of things to do I'll probably see it soon - Beartooth Highway! Here's what they had to say:

If you’ve ever been to Yellowstone, there’s a fair chance you were on the Beartooth Highway, since it’s one of the few ways into the park. If you’re not the camping type, think of it this way: at over 11,000ft it’s not too far off of Pikes Peak, is just as gorgeous, and is much less trafficked.

Think they're right about this one? Or is there another spot in Montana that you'd choose over it?

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