What Was Named the Best Food City in Montana?
You know what's great? Food. Let's just all take a minute to appreciate how great food is.
Ok, everybody appreciate food now? Great. Because Thrillist put together this list of the Best Food City in every single state in the US, and I have long-term plans to road trip across the country and visit every single one of them.
And of course, we had to know - what do they consider the best food city in Montana? I figured Missoula was a good candidate, because there's definitely plenty of great food in the area, but I've only lived here for a year so my sample size for the state is pretty small.
And in fact, they did not pick Missoula - actually, they went with Bozeman! Here's what they said:
Missoula's bigger. Billings is too… but who wants to go to Billings? (We kid, it's very nice/industrial.) But our hearts, and our stomachs, remain in Bozeman. Maybe it's that delicious buffalo burger at converted freight house Montana Ale Works, or the state's best pizza at the hippie/cowboy/tourist spot Cosmic (though some have argued we're wrong and Tarantino's is the best… but hey, that just means more fantastic pies -- it’s a win-win). Maybe it's the hangover-demolishing omelets loaded with locally-sourced veggies at Nova Cafe, or the melt-in-your-mouth biscuits at Roost Fried Chicken, or the farm-fresh and rustic finery at Plonk, or the high-end Italian at Emerson Grill. Or the surprising wealth of global cuisine (see: spicy bibimbap with bulgogi beef at Whistle Pig Korean). Or maybe it's just all those steaks. Mmmm, Copper Whiskey Bar…
So that just added like 7 or 8 places I need to check out when I finally make it to Bozeman. Do you agree with this choice?
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