
Watch a Cat Swimming in the Bathtub – Cuteness
Watch a Cat Swimming in the Bathtub – Cuteness
Watch a Cat Swimming in the Bathtub – Cuteness
So - who says dogs are the only pets who love playing in the water?  The cat in this video debunks that theory and shows us how to play with a cap of some sort as it swims around the bathtub. Check it out, watch it and pass it along to your friends and family...
Memorial Day Madness on the Lochsa River
Memorial Day Madness on the Lochsa River
Memorial Day Madness on the Lochsa River
My very talented husband builds raft trailers and frames for a living. He is one of many local small business owner’s making a go of it in Montana. He is also a seasoned guide. No, not a rafting guide, but a fly fishing guide. I have to admit after watching this video I’m glad that my husband rows boats down lazy Montana rivers taking people fishing than fighting against the nasty white water of t