Wallethub released the Best States to Live in 2022. So, of course, we all want to know where Montana falls into line, right? Let's see where we rank, shall we?
100 miles is nothing for us out here so that's just like living close by for most. Some are ready to set the world on fire but then they realize there's no place like home.
When I first moved to Missoula for college, I was scared to leave the dorm parking lot.
I came from a small town with one stoplight. So to me, this city seemed huge, and I was terrified of getting lost.
As the weeks went by, I got braver. I ventured to the mall, and then to the movie theater, and even into some of the neighborhoods where my off-campus friends lived
It is around that time of the year when college students scramble out of their place, and into another place. Moving time! Whether that be the lovely dorm experience at The University of Montana, or the six-bedroom house in the South Hills, it is time for a change!