
Missoula is Brave
Missoula is Brave
Missoula is Brave
Did you hear about this? I was watching the local news Thursday morning before work and couldn’t believe what I was hearing and seeing. The story seemed unreal.
What It’s Like to Kiss a Stranger
What It’s Like to Kiss a Stranger
What It’s Like to Kiss a Stranger
What do you think it would be like to kiss a total stranger? I’ve been married for a few years now, so I can safely say that I haven’t thought about kissing a stranger in quite some time. Though, I will admit that in my younger days, I did kiss a frog or two before I finally found my prince.
Best Sons Ever
Best Sons Ever
Best Sons Ever
As you may already know, I am the proud mother of four boys. To say that my life and my house is filled with noise and dirt is an understatement. I sometimes find myself daydreaming of pink, flowers and girls that smell like cotton candy instead of boys that smell like farts. However, I am not delusional. I know that girls are not perfect either.
Man Purse
Man Purse
Man Purse
Like most wives, I love to torture my husband by handing him my purse to hold when we are in a store. In fact, sometimes I will find something to try on that I’m not even interested in buying, just so he has to hold my purse. I know this is cruel but it is also really funny. Sometimes I even point and laugh at him when he’s holding it. He usually just rolls his eyes and tosses the purse at me. Rea
20 Nice Things You Can Do
20 Nice Things You Can Do
20 Nice Things You Can Do
Are there things you know you should say that you don’t? I know I could stand to use, “please,” and, “thank you,” more than I do. Who doesn’t appreciate someone with good manners? It is one thing that I’m constantly trying to work on with my boys. It’s a great way to impress their dates’ parents in a few years.
5 Songs That Make Me Want to Cry
5 Songs That Make Me Want to Cry
5 Songs That Make Me Want to Cry
For those who are love lorne this Valentine’s Day, I’ve compiled some of my favorite sad relationship songs. I’m married now, but have spent many previous Valentine’s Days home alone, listening to sad songs with my dog. Don’t give up, there is someone out there for everyone! In the mean time, these songs should help wet your pillow and drown your sorrows.
Valentine’s Day Treats for your Dog
Valentine’s Day Treats for your Dog
Valentine’s Day Treats for your Dog
As I perused down the card isle today, I held back from puking all over the white glossy floor. Yes, I have a boyfriend. Yes, I'm in love... But geez, have you read what some of these Hallmark writers are putting on cards these days?! Gag worthy.
5 Terrible and Possibly Cruel Valentine’s Day Gifts
5 Terrible and Possibly Cruel Valentine’s Day Gifts
5 Terrible and Possibly Cruel Valentine’s Day Gifts
I know it may seem a little early to be discussing Valentine’s Day but it’s coming, ready or not. I thought I would do a public service and help the gentlemen of Missoula out a little bit by letting them know what not to get their ladies. I figure if I can give you guys enough of a heads up, you will have enough time to find her something that she won’t be disappointed with.

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