State considers removal of illegal Smurfit Stone outfall pipesState considers removal of illegal Smurfit Stone outfall pipesThe state of Montana is looking into removing several illegal outfall pipes that jut from the Smurfit Stone mill site into the Clark Fork River.Missoula CurrentMissoula Current
Missoula Man Destroys Conoco’s Flowers, Threatens Owner With a KnifeMissoula Man Destroys Conoco’s Flowers, Threatens Owner With a KnifeA Missoula Police Officer responded to 711 East Broadway for a report of an assault involving a weapon.Nick ChrestensonNick Chrestenson
Downtown Missoula Is Now Covered In FlowersDowntown Missoula Is Now Covered In FlowersHave you seen the flowers in downtown Missoula for the summer?Mike SmithMike Smith
Montana Spring Is Being Dragged In – Kicking and ScreamingMontana Spring Is Being Dragged In – Kicking and ScreamingThe inconsistent weather is driving nature a little crazy.Steve FullertonSteve Fullerton
Don’t Mess Up Valentine’s Day With the Wrong FlowersDon’t Mess Up Valentine’s Day With the Wrong FlowersIf you've been dating someone for three years, lilies are probably going to be a bad idea on Valentine's Day. Those are a friendship flower. Know what message you're sending with this handy guide.Jen AustinJen Austin