Hey Missoula! Join 107.5 Zoo FM for the Strides for Castleman's 5K Run/Walk and 1 Mile Run/Walk being held to raise funds for Castleman disease research. Enjoy a gorgeous route right down the Clark Fork river! Shirts with registration for the first 200 people.

Race day registration starts @ 8:30am at Silver Park (next to Osprey Stadium) and the race starts at 9:30 am!

We are doin' our best to raise as much money as we possibly can for Castleman's disease. Castleman disease is a rare disorder that involves an overgrowth (proliferation) of cells in your body's disease-fighting network (lymphatic system). Also known as giant lymph node hyperplasia and angiofollicular lymph node hyperplasia, Castleman disease can occur in a localized (unicentric) or widespread (multicentric) form.

When -  Saturday, April 1st 2017

Time - 8:30am - 1pm

Where - Silver Park (next to Osprey Stadium)


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