Take this with a grain of salt, or for this matter, a splash of Splenda....

Reports are coming in from the local Facebook network that legendary director Steven Spielberg is visiting Libby, Montana this afternoon. 

According to a status update from Kirstien Taylor: "When Steven Spielberg is behind you at Copper Mountain"

Kirstien Taylor
Kirstien Taylor

Before she left the drive-thru she managed to snag a blurry picture of the director from the drivers seat looking behind her...

Anna Taylor, Kirstien Taylor
Anna Taylor, Kirstien Taylor

And a photo of a Paramount Films production vehicle nearby...

Anna Taylor, Kirstien Taylor
Anna Taylor, Kirstien Taylor

Copper Mountain, for those that don't know, is a local coffee drive-thru in Kalispell, and we can only imagine that Steve needed to get a few shots of caffeine so he can focus on getting the perfect shot for a film he is directing nearby.

According to the conversation on Facebook, Spielberg is back in Montana to film a movie near Kootenai Falls. Steven was near Missoula back in 2011 visiting the Paws Up Ranch for a press conference to promote the movie 'Cowboys vs. Aliens'.

Montana has been a hot bed for celebrity sightings in the previous months. Most recently Leonardo Dicaprio and Tobey Maguire were seen in Missoula, Jamie Foxx was in Whitefish, and Bono from U2 was spotted near Flathead Lake.

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