Someone Stole A Bills Jersey From Red’s Bar In Missoula
Red's Bar, one of downtown Missoula's most popular spots to chill, have a drink, and watch some sports, is on the lookout for a recent customer who took off with more than just a beer.
Actually, she took a piece of memorabilia off the wall - a Buffalo Bills jersey to be exact. She must have been pretty sneaky to make her way to the jersey, take it off the wall, and get out of the bar undetected... but she may not have noticed the security camera that was watching her every move. Red's has posted a few stills from the security camera to their Facebook page asking for people's help to find her.
As of right now, it sounds like Red's doesn't want to pursue any further action, so they're simply asking that if anyone knows the woman, to tell her to return the jersey. They say if she returns it, there will be no questions asked.
Surprisingly, the comments on the post are a little divided on this one, with some calling the woman a thief and others seeing it as a "legendary prank." Maybe it lies somewhere in between, who's to say. Although I think my favorite comment on the post comes from Mike Walter, who said: "Don't worry, she'll bring it back - it's a Bills jersey."
Got any info on who took the Bills jersey? Or any stories from your younger, more impulsive days when you might have pulled a move like this? Send us a message through our free station app to tell us about it!