Some Ugly Sweaters Every Missoulian Needs For The Holidays
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The holiday season means a lot more time with family and friends, cold weather, goodwill towards mankind, all that stuff. It also means that at some point, you're going to be invited to an ugly sweater party at some point. It always happens! And you don't want to be caught unprepared.
Having an ugly sweater on standby is a key part of the holiday season - and you don't want just any ugly sweater. You need something that stands out! Here's a few you can check out that'll definitely make an impression wherever you go.
1. Pizza Cat Lasers
It's got cats shooting lasers while riding on pizza, why don't you own ten of these?
2. Christmas Sloth
Who doesn't feel like a sloth on Christmas?
3. Cat Tree?
I don't even know what this is, which is the perfect criteria for an ugly sweater.
4. Home Alone
Pay tribute to the greatest fake Christmas movie of all time - Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal!
5. Gremlins!
My favorite Christmas movie ever, who doesn't want an adorable Mogwai before he transforms on their ugly Christmas sweater?