RNC Says Missoula Request for Trump Cash is ‘Quite Odd,’ Wonder if Democrats Are Treated the Same
When The Missoula County Commissioners issued a request to President Donald Trump’s Campaign treasurer asking for $12,922.82 to help pay for costs of hosting the president, many were surprised and wondered whether this was an approach taken by other counties. Kayleigh McEnany serves as the National Spokesperson for The Republican National Committee and says she’s never seen an attempt quite like it.
“It’s the first I’ve heard of anything like this, it sounds like there were some political motivations there. The president’s campaign pays for their rallies, they are fully funded. The idea that county commissioners would be asking for money of that nature… It is quite odd.”
The suspicion of political motivations runs all the way down to the local level where Missoula Republican chairwoman Vondene Kopetski called the request a political stunt and wants the county to ask for money from the past visits of President Obama, and candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.
“I am very disappointed that the County Commissioners didn’t do their research before they concocted this political stunt," Kopetski said. "All three of those rallies required extra protections. The law enforcement was involved in all three of those. If the County Commissioners were willing to provide a transparent account of whether or not they billed those candidates and then let the voters know if those bills were paid, then I think we can talk about fair is fair.”
Kopetski says commissioners need to also come up with an estimate of costs for the advance team for Joe Biden who is expected to come to Missoula on December 3.
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