Rick and Morty Night at Bodega Bar in Missoula
Oh yes, Missoula is about to get Schwifty.
If you're a Rick and Morty fan - which, if you're a millennial, chances are good that you are - then you'll definitely want to check this out. The Bodega Bar in downtown Missoula is holding a Rick and Morty night, complete with a DJ Squirmi on hand, a costume contest with prizes, and Rick and Morty-themed drinks.
The costume contest seems like the big draw to me, and hopefully inspires some creative looks - I'm just saying, I want to see somebody put the work into creating a full Bird Person costume. It has to happen.
And if you win, 1st prize is a $150 bar tab, which is pretty awesome. 2nd prize is $100 and 3rd is $75. The event kicks off at 9 PM on Saturday, September 7th, and all the info is at their Facebook event page. Will you be checking this out?