It is currently halfway through the third season of the hit television series "Yellowstone." A series that follows the lives of the Dutton family and their lives as ranchers in Montana. If you haven't been following the series, it stars Kevin Costner as the patriarch of the Dutton family. The story follows the trial and tribulations of owning a large cattle ranch, and all the drama that surrounds property ownership.

While some of the show is filmed in Utah, and on closed sound stages. A large amount of the show is filmed right here in western Montana. The fictional "Dutton Ranch" is actually the "Chief Joseph Ranch" in Darby,MT. For years the ranch has offered up lodging as a bed and breakfast. But since new owners took over in 2012, they transitioned the ranch to a guest ranch. Offering up cabin rentals to the public.

Since 2018, the ranch has been the main set of the show "Yellowstone." Two of the guest cabins are actually featured in the hit television show.

According the the Chief Joseph Ranch website

We have two cabins for rent to guests. The Ben Cook Cabin (Rip's cabin in S1 and Casey's cabin in S2) and the Fisherman's Cabin (Lee's cabin in S1 and S2). Each cabin sleeps 8 guests and has a full kitchen and a grill.

Now don't get too excited to start booking your cabin now. According to the website "The Chief Joseph Ranch is currently booked full between guests and filming of Paramount Network's original series "Yellowstone" for the summer and fall of 2020. Please feel free to contact us in January 2021 for reservations. Our reservation line is (406) 821-0894. We will look forward to welcoming you in the future!"


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