Remember That One Time Nelly Awkwardly Serenaded A Little Girl
Okay so let me set this up by saying that Nelly's set at the Florida Georgia Line concert at the Adams Center, was one of my favorite parts of the night! I mean he straight up killed it in jean shorts with star patches and a baller diamond watch! His performance was everything I wanted it to be and more... except for one part!
If you were in the audience on Friday, then you witnessed one of the most awkward moments ever. I'm talkin' about that one time Nelly brought out a little girl on stage, who was maybe 9 years old, and serenaded her 'Over and Over.' It was 100% cringe-worthy! At one point his forehead was on hers and he was twirling her hair and it just went downhill from there...
Now I highly doubt Nelly meant for the serenade to be as weird as it came across. I mean he's got two kids of his own for goodness sake, so I'm hoping the moment just got away from him a little bit and he didn't realize what he was doing or how it looked. But after re-watching what happened, I'm actually so surprised that the parents of that little girl didn't pull her off stage! I don't even have kids yet and I wanted to go up and rescue her...
Again I love Nelly and I think he put on one heck of a show for us here in Missoula! He's obviously not a bad guy and/or a convicted child predator, I just think next time he should avoid bringing a little girl on stage when he's got a whole room full of super thirsty ADULT women to choose from. But that's just me...