Nicole’s Pick Of The Week: Frenship
Bringin' back one of my favorite bands this week! I was first introduced to Frenship this past summer at my friend Amanda's wedding.
I don't think I've ever heard a group who can reach the same level of life and energy through their music as Frenship. With each song, I find it a major challenge to NOT get out of my seat and start dancing!
James Sunderland and Brett Hite started working together back in 2013. By 2016 they were signed by Columbia Records and released their first EP Truce. Columbia is a pretty epic record label and since being signed the pair has seen a lot of success. But I have a good feeling that this is only the begining for them.
While my love started with Capsize, which features vocals from the oh-so-lovely Emily Warren, I also love their song 1,000 Nights which you might have already heard on 107.5 ZooFM. Both of these songs are so upbeat and fun I can't help but work them in to my day-to-day playlist! Both are gonna be my soundtracks for this summer!