NEW Fitness Classes For Kids
It's almost that time of year again where your schedules start filling up with carpools, football games and a million other activities. Because of these busy schedules, a lot of us trade out our 'hot summer bod' for a softer winter one. But what if this year we stuck with our bod goals and helped keep our kids healthy at the same time?
That's the whole idea behind the new Kid's Fitness classes at Ridge Fitness. Instead of just leaving your kids at home to play video games or dropping them off at the gym's day care, what if your child got their own kid-friendly workout in?!
Not only will they be exposed to new activities and hopefully new friends, they will also gain a sense of accomplishment after each class they complete. So why not make your trips to the gym a family affair? You get YOUR time to work on yourself and your kids get THEIR time to push themselves and work towards their own personal goals! Sounds like a win-win to me!
Here's a list of the Kid's Fitness classes that will be offered at Ridge Fitness:
- Kid's Boxing
- Kid's Zumba
- Kid's Circuit Training
The first Kid's Fitness classes will start tomorrow, August 12th, with a Kid's Boxing class with plyometrics and core. For more information, check out or swing on by the gym and talk to Rachel Plumage and the rest of the Ridge Fitness staff!