Why Montana’s The Perfect Setting for Any Movie Genre
I don't sense much enthusiasm from Montanans about having more media filmed in the Treasure State. Yellowstone blew up like TNT drenched in nitroglycerin thrown into a volcano, and while the sudden appreciation is flattering, it's inspired one or two out-of-staters to move here despite our housing crisis. Bummer.
But for the sake of local filmmakers, let's not let the Montana's potential for being a great setting in movies go unnoticed. Recently I watched a multi-genre adventure film shot entirely in Montana, and it really demonstrated how this state's beauty really translates to the big screen. The movie was called Saving For The Day, watch the trailer below:
Here's a list of movie genres and reasons why Montana's the perfect setting for each of them:
Bears, treacherous mountains, bears, whitewater rapids and did I mention bears? We don't see enough bears in action movies, probably because they're so expensive to either bring onto set or simulate with CGI, but maybe the financial success of Cocaine Bear will inspire grizzly action.
Romantic Comedy
So many romance novels are about a city woman meeting a country man, yet Hollywood refuses to cash in on this fantastic premise for a movie. Imagine how funny and cute it would be to see a woman from Los Angeles fall in love with a man from Butte? This stuff writes itself.
Montana's scary even without supernatural terrors. Call it a cliché if you must, the haunted cabin in the woods flick just works. I also would like to see more movies where Montanans fight zombies, because if anyone could take on the undead it's Montanans.
Noir films typically take place in big cities, that's what makes a hypothetical noir film set in Montana so interesting.
Science Fiction
There's enough different kinds of places in Montana that a filmmaker could make it seem like you're seeing alien worlds, and in the case of movies set in Missoula, that would sort of be the case.
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