Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Offering Adult Hunter Education Courses For the First Time Ever
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks is extending hunter’s safety and education to adults. Public Information Officer Vivica Crowser said this is something that hasn’t yet been offered before.
"In addition to connecting them to any hunter ed requirement that they need, offer them opportunities to learn more about the hunting regulations and how to decipher those, how you might go about scouting for elk," Crowser said. "Everything from getting your animal out of the field, to then processing it yourself, turning it into a meal. Just any other questions that folks may have."
Crowser said workshops will be open up until October.
"The workshops are all free," Crowser said. "If someone is interested in not only attending the workshops, but putting their names on a list of people that we can connect for mentors and instructors and hunters, then that is also a free service."
The first workshop begins next week, Tuesday, June 28 at 6 p.m. at the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. Click here for more workshop times and locations.