Montana Drinks More Beer Than Almost Every Other State
Since the quarantine began, we've seen plenty of reports about how Americans have been drinking a lot more. And hey, that makes sense - we were stuck at home for months on end with nothing to do but watch Tiger King, so of course we were gonna be drinking more.
And it turns out, Montanans may have increased their alcohol intake more than most. In a new study, it was discovered that Montana drinks more beer per capita than almost any other state. In fact, we came in at number two on the list, just behind New Hampshire. The top five was rounded out by Vermont, North Dakota, and South Dakota.
But if you're thinking, "Wow, that seems like a lot, especially since Montana has a lot fewer people than many other states in the country," well, then, you're actually right. In terms of actual number of gallons of beer consumed in the state, Montana's all the way down at number 41, taking in a total of 31.5 million gallons of beer per year.
Basically that means that, even though there's less people in Montana, the average person here is drinking way more than the average person in most other parts of the country. Have you been drinking more as a result of the quarantine? Now that Montana is reopening up, are you planning to ease back a little bit?
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