Is it me, or did Montana go from being crazy hot to super cold in like a day? I guess I should be used to the bipolar weather by now...

Our friends over at THRILLIST pulled together another list, this time ranking each state according to how crappy their winters are. On previous lists, Montana has maintained a respectable position in the top half. But when you're comparing 'worst winters'  ya better believe that Montana, whose winters are long, hard and last like a million years, has a lot of states beat out...

Every state but 8 to be exact. Montana finally broke into the Top 10 with a number 9 spot! Here's what THRILLIST had to say about our winters:

Did you know that the Continental Divide can create distinct differences in sunlight, wind, precipitation, and temperature, depending on whether you’re in the eastern or western part of the state? Did you know that, either way, all the insufferable celebrities who thought it’d be “rustic” to own a ranch up there or whatever sure as shit aren’t taking advantage of said property in January. Wait… maybe that’s actually a positive?

Definitely a positive if you ask me! We don't need another Kardashian incident on our hands...

To see what states beat us out for 'worst winters' check out, or click HERE!

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