Missoula Search and Rescue Find Missing 80-Year-Old Hunter
An 80-year-old hunter was rescued in the Nine Mile area late Sunday night. Missoula County Search and Rescue was notified of an overdue hunter who had split from his hunting partner. Search and Rescue activated a search around 10:00 pm. According to Joe Blattner, Chief of Missoula County Search and Rescue, the individuals responding to the search and rescue call had significant experience tracking people on the ground.
“With Missoula County Search and Rescue, we had 11 members respond. Over the course of the duration of the call, there were about six sheriff’s office deputies, and we also had one individual from the Bureau of Land Management.”
The hunter was located by voice contact around 1:00 am Monday morning and was found to be in good health.
“We had a search and rescue paramedic on scene who was part of the initial contact crew, and so we did have him checked out initially,” Blattner reports. “He was cold, tired, [and] thirsty, but overall in great condition. He declined an ambulance or ambulance transport, so we helped him hike back to the vehicle and reunited him with his family.”
Blattner was especially impressed by the hunter’s vigor and positive attitude.
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