Missoula Public Library Offers New Curbside Service
The Missoula Public Library may be closed thanks to - what else - the Coronavirus, but that hasn't stopped them from figuring out a way to serve the community.
Now, people can still check out books, movies, CDs and more without every stepping foot in the library, thanks to their new curbside pickup service. Basically, here's how it works - they've got a car parked out on Main Street. You browse their catalog online and then give the library a call at 721-2665 to tell them what you want to borrow. Then, you head over there, grab your books, and get out!
Or is heading over there not an option for you? Because the library is also sending some of its librarians out to drop stuff off at people's houses directly. And the best part? No late fees! They say to just keep the books for now and not to worry about it, and then just return them when they get to reopen without fear of being penalized for it.
It's pretty great to see the Missoula Public Library going above and beyond to help people out - especially when they're stuck at their houses and could probably use something to read. Will you be utilizing this new system?
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