Missoula Parents: You May Qualify For Free School Lunches
Maybe the only good thing about the public health emergency we've been through the last two years was that school meals have been free for all kids. But this year, free and reduced-cost meals will only be given to those who qualify. Not sure if you qualify? You'll have to take time out of your day to fill out the boring paperwork. I know that's annoying, especially if you don't think your family will be eligible, but doing so won't just potentially benefit you, it'll benefit our community— here's how.
School Activities
School sports can cost hundreds of dollars, but you may qualify for reduced costs on school activities, in fact, your child may be able to participate in school activities for no cost at all. It's worth checking, right?
You may qualify to get internet at your residence for only $15 a month. I know there's talk that one day we may all get free WiFi worldwide, but in the meantime, $15 per month isn't the worst option.

Potential Resources for Our Community
Schools and neighborhoods can gain access to resources based on the information from these forms, whether you qualified for any benefits or not, based on your income. So with all that in mind, you might be thinking a certain question.
"Where can I find these forms?"
They're available online at mcpsmt.org. Also, staff from Missoula Food Bank and Community Center will be at events, school open houses and at the food bank to help you fill out the forms.
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