Missoula Can See The New (And Insane) Nicolas Cage Movie For Free
So I'm a pretty big movie geek, and I'm a HUGE fan of Nicolas Cage. (Don't believe me? I literally host a podcast where I'm watching every single movie he ever made. I'm only a little bit insane.) And recently, you may have heard some buzz about what's being called his big comeback movie: Mandy, a revenge thriller in which Nicolas Cage has to kill some dudes in a cult with a chainsaw.
I've been pretty hyped for this movie for a while, but I was worried it wasn't going to play in any theaters around Missoula and I've have to settle for a VOD rental. Luckily, my prayers have been answered: The Roxy is showing Mandy for one night only as part of the Montana Film Festival, and the best part? Admission is free.
Mandy is showing this Friday night, October 5th, at 10:00 PM. And if you miss it, don't worry - the movie is currently available to rent on VOD. From all accounts, it's totally worth it. But if you're like me and you were waiting for the theatrical experience, this is your only chance without making a road trip to LA or something.
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