J.K. Simmons Wishes UM Happy 125th Birthday
Let's be honest, after 25 our birthdays become less and less exciting. (That's why my mother has been 25 for over 20 years.) Only when you make it to level 100+ do things start to get fun again!
If you've been on the University of Montana campus recently, then you will have seen that the BEST college in Montana is celebrating the fact that they have been back in the fun zone for 25 years. That's right, UM is 125 years old! #goalsaf
Being a Griz alumni myself, I have a special place in my heart for the school. Some of my favorite memories took place on that campus and I'm so grateful for the experiences I had there.
I'm proud to be a Grizzly and I'm not alone in wishing the University of Montana a very Happy 125th Birthday... (Gotta love J.K. Simmons workin' the Griz football shirt in the video below!)
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