GALLERY: Best Griz Black Out Game Pics ft. UFC’s Suga Sean O’Malley
Washington-Grizzly Stadium was bonkers Saturday night. Griz fans set a new record of nearly 27 thousand people packing the stands in the Mecca of FCS Football to witness the Montana Grizzlies eek by the 2-time Division II National Champion Ferris State Bulldogs.
The crowd was rowdy, the stadium blacked out and we even had a UFC Champion in attendance.
Let's relive the classic through the gallery below.
Montana's own and UFC Welterweight Champion of the World Suga Sean O'Malley was our special guest Saturday evening. O'Malley raised the 37 flag pregame before running the sideline after the Griz scored the go-ahead touchdown.
Suga Sean's appearance was supplemented by an epic stadium black out. Washington-Grizzly Stadium set a new record of nearly 27 thousand people all wearing black. The fans showed up in a big way.
Great point in the picture above. Ferris is not a state. Ferris isn't even a city. Where does Ferris State get off calling themselves Ferris State? The crowd looked great and the team in their sick black out uniforms may have looked even better.
Even Monte looked great in black!
Don't forget about the guys and gals of the Army. They always look great in black. Come to think of it, they look great 24/7.
Some beautiful shots, too.
That's a wrap on a special night. Montana is in Flagstaff this Saturday at Northern Arizona (0-3).
Go Griz.