Glacier National Park Named One of Best Places to Travel Alone
A lot of times, when planning a vacation, you want to go with your family or your friends - and that always sounds like a good idea, until you start dealing with people's schedules, and Steve can only take off three days of work all summer and they can't be near the weekend, and Jenny surprises everyone by bringing her boyfriend that nobody likes, and Eric suddenly changes up the travel plans at the last minute so now EVERYONE is scrambling to catch up with him. Get it together, Eric.
That's why traveling alone is actually pretty great - when I moved to Montana from New York, I took the opportunity to do a solo road trip across the US, and it was awesome. Just me, my music, and the road - I went at my own pace, ate where I wanted to eat, slept whenever I got tired. There's just so much less hassle.
Thrillist put together this list of the 15 Best Places in the World to Travel Solo, and there's a lot of cool options on the list I would love to see. And, something pretty cool: our very own Glacier National Park in Montana made the list! Here's what they said:
Halfway through a 3-mile hike up a steep incline to a remote mountaintop where one twisted ankle could spill you into a crevasse, you’ll start taking stock. Quads screaming. Lungs burning. Subconsciously you’ll touch the bear spray on your belt, like feeling your pocket for your phone. A big mammal who got the drop on this version of you, with legs of spaghetti, would have every advantage. Vince Lombardi used to say fatigue makes cowards of us all -- but this is where you determine that you’ll go down with teeth and nails bared if a critter decides to step.
That frisson of fight/flight will find you in any of America’s National Parks. For the full experience, I can recommend Glacier, in Montana. At more than a million acres, with 175 mountains and an epic 745 miles of maintained hiking trails, it’s a vast, beautiful obstacle course. You will see chipmunks and rabbits and marmots. (Aw!) You will also see bears and moose. (Oh.) The park encourages hikers to wear jingling bells to scare away bears and always carry bear spray -- especially if walking alone.
Alone you’ll feel the towering snow-capped mountains surround you. The silence sinks in, and when you whisper, You can do this you can do this, or a surprise Lord’s Prayer during the final mile, it’ll sound like a shout. This is a true holistic test. Getting to the end of a trail, or coming upon a peak and taking in an otherworldly view shrinks you down to size, and reminds you that nature really runs this bitch. -- Nicole Schuman
Got you convinced? Any other spots in Montana you think would be good solo travel destinations?
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