Friday is National Leave the Office Early Day!
Last weekend was my birthday, I didn't realize I was going to be celebrating again so quickly. I just found out that June 2nd is National Leave the Office Early Day (If on weekend, closest work day). That means this Friday, June 1st it should be a requirement to leave the office early. The reason for the national day is an incentive for those who often work over 40 hours per week, to enjoy time outside of the office.
If you're wondering how to observe National Leave the Office Early Day, you really need to get out of the office more often. In all reality, upon completion of all the necessary work and gaining approval, your encouraged to leave work and enjoy the rest of your day with fun activities. You can also use #LeaveTheOfficeEarlyDay on social media to make your friends jealous, or maybe it will encourage them to join in on the fun.
National Leave the Office Early Day was created by employee productivity specialist Laura Stack. I don't know Laura personally, but I have a feeling she and I would get along well. Start the conversation with your boss now, that way they know about National Leave the Office Early Day and they can plan accordingly.