It's days like today that completely blow me away. I've traveled to so many beautiful places around the world and yet very few compare to a sunny Montana day...

As I'm sure you can relate, I spend the majority of my days inside. But you better believe that when I get the opportunity to go out and get some fresh air, I take it every time! Today was one of those days where I couldn't stop daydreaming while looking out my studio window at the crystal blue sky. So I picked an earlier Pure Barre class and made a plan to pick up my favorite hiking buddy after work.

Cooper is my brother Sean's dog and he's an avid hiker like me. So with my furry friend in tow, we made our way up the M for the first time this season...

Even though I've lived in Missoula for about five years now and have probably hiked the M over a hundred times, the view from the top still takes my breath away (literally and figuratively) every time!

Nicole Wren TSM
Nicole Wren TSM

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