Have You Seen This Missoula Store’s Hilarious Reference To A Classic Comedy?
This is something that a lot of Missoulians will probably already know about, especially if you spend a lot of time on Higgins and know your '90s comedy movies. But I always get a kick out of it every time I walk past it, so I thought some people might appreciate the reference if they've never caught it before.
Back in the '90s, Jim Carrey had a powerhouse couple of years. Specifically, his 1994 is one of those dream runs of any actor's career. It's the year he really broke out, and he released three comedies which are still today considered among his best - those were The Mask, Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, and Dumb & Dumber.
And as a kid, I was pretty obsessed with all three of those movies, but I only owned Dumb & Dumber on DVD, so it was the one we ended up watching the most. And if you'll take a stroll past the Tuxedo Gallery on Higgins in Missoula, you'll notice in the storefront a couple of very familiar-looking suits.
Still don't recognize them? Let's try it at a different angle.
What's that? You need ANOTHER angle? Jeez, you're picky.
Finally get it? Yes, those are exact replicas of the tuxedos worn by Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels in Dumb & Dumber.
Pretty cool, right? Part of me thinks they should take it a step further and put the yellow suit from The Mask on display too (complete with a green mask, of course). Or how about his Riddler costume from Batman Forever?
Either way, it's a fun shout-out to a classic comedy that the Tuxedo Gallery has been displaying in its storefront for years now.
And now, I leave you with one of the greatest lines in any comedy movie of all time.
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