Deer Going Extinct? Girl Cries When Finds Out She Ate Deer Tacos
Growing up in our state, we are no strangers to eating wild game. It is part of our diet. Yet, I still get people who refuse to eat wild game when I serve it. I have learned over the years that most people wouldn't think twice about eating something if you just didn't disclose what animal it came from. And 9 times out of 10, in a blind taste test, most would say they preferred the wild game over beef. I can count on all my fingers and toes how many times I have made an elk burger for someone, and they claim it is the best burger they have ever eaten. But, mention that it was a burger made from that same bull, whose antlers are on the wall, and they freak! It really makes me wonder how any one of us is going to survive the apocalypse after there are no more grocery stores.
Venison is one of THE MOST HEALTHY proteins a human can eat. It is even MORE healthy than chicken breast. In fact, according to the Guardian "Gram for gram, it contains less fat than a skinless chicken breast. It has the highest protein and the lowest cholesterol content of any major meat."
But, people still think it is wrong to eat it because it is "cute." Thanks, Walt Disney, for making that beloved movie so many years ago.
A video has gotten some attention online showing a girl's reaction to her mother's use of venison burger in taco meat.
My question is...How could it be that disgusting that you went back for seconds? Also, is it true that deer are going extinct?